Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Call of Duty: Black Ops Single Player Trailer Officially Lands!

During a typical Monday Night Football game, not many things can stand in a determined viewers way of their epic dash to the beer-laden fridge during commercial breaks, but last night, the stakes were different. There was a single, world-shattering, minute-long video clip ensuring that hardened gamers worldwide stayed glued to their La-Z-Boy armchairs, and eyes to the TV. And yes, we remained intently fixed until that fateful fourth quarter! Despite the 45 minute rain delay, despite Favre's early horrendous performance, despite Pirates of the Caribbean showing on USA; we threw our earthly desires to the back seat, all in the name of Call of Duty. Once that first frame flashed across the screen, we knew the moment had come. The long awaited Call of Duty: Black Ops single player trailer had at long last arrived. I marveled at every second of it. In case you missed it, I've kindly posted it above for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!


  1. The suit at 0:17 looks a lot like Robert McNamara. This game is all modern era, no? Or does it go back to Vietnam?

  2. I take it this has nothing to do with MW2?

  3. I had to go to bed before it came on :( SO tired. I figured it would be online asap anyways. Thanks man!

  4. I have a feeling this won't be as good as MW2... just personal opinion

  5. *jizz* Can't wait.

  6. scared to buy this game... mw2 sucked

  7. I'm hoping for the best of this game! It's talked about in my blog also. I'm just worried it'll follow mw2 failness!! Since the Modern Warfare series is now completely seperate from the rest of cod, i'm hoping for the best!

  8. looks better and better for every trailer that comes! :D

  9. please lord don't let gamefly take forever to send this.

  10. To be honest, I'm really only looking forward to the multiplayer. However, I'm sure the singleplayer will be a nice distraction.

  11. seen this before, epic trailer =D

    Cool little post, please check out my Razer Lycosa review on my blog =D

  12. *sigh* still killstreaks and perks. fucking lame.

  13. is the very good game

  14. looks like a swee game dude, cool blog following

  15. cant wait to get my hands in this game!

  16. i'm waiting for the day when cod will be replaced with something better
    can't stand this arcade shooter shit

  17. Maybe ill rent it to play the single player campaign but Im not getting near multiplayer

  18. looking forward to it!

  19. Too much awesome for my system
